Find out how HFHP works, why it's crucial for music lovers, musicians, and venue staff, and ensure you're listening to every note safely.

Berkeley Hills Expert Articles | Music To My Ears

by | Jun 26, 2022 | Berkeley Hills Expert Articles, Patient Resources

Not being a musician, I never thought I’d take requests. But when Berkeley Hills Living’s fearless leader suggested a specific topic for this month’s piece, I was more than happy to oblige

With summer in full swing (and pandemic precautions ‘optional’), live music has blessedly returned. Venues, indoor and out, are again hosting amazing artists who are creating amazing music. I’m so happy for everyone that makes a living bringing all of us so much joy. Throughout my life, I’ve experienced live music bringing people together, enriching our lives and souls. 

At our clinic, I’ve noticed an uptick in musicians, venue staff and music lovers coming in for audiological evaluations, to consult on ways to protect their hearing and/or treat existing hearing loss (and tinnitus). As an Audiologist, it’s encouraging that our messages of protecting hearing from loud noise exposure and early detection & treatment of hearing loss is making an impact, not to mention that folks are seeking out the proper health care professional. It’s especially gratifying to me because a particular soap box, custom high fidelity hearing protection (HFHP), is finding a receptive audience. As someone who loves live music, but understands the inherent danger of loud noise exposure, I’ve been a proponent and promoter of HFHP for decades. I wear my custom HFHP religiously.

What makes them “high fidelity”? By definition, high fidelity entails faithful reproduction of the original sound. Generic ear plugs distort the fidelity of music for a few reasons. One is that the solid plug, due to the physics of sound transmission through a solid mass, attenuates (decreases) frequencies at different amounts. In addition, placement of the plug disturbs the natural resonance properties of the ear canal.

Custom HFHP, by contrast, consists of a proprietary filter with a specially designed diaphragm and a custom earmold that allows a specific volume of air in the sound channel. The combination of the two produces a resonance approximating the natural resonance frequency of the human ear canal (between 2-4 kHz). This results in a smooth, flat attenuation across the frequency range so that everything sounds qualitatively the same, just quieter. Added advantages of using HFHP include reduced overall auditory fatigue and less natural distortion of the loud auditory signal being heard. 

Because they are made from exact impressions of one’s ears, they should be incredibly comfortable. I say “should” because there’s an art, as well as a science, to making custom ‘anything’ for the body. The physical fit is critical for both comfort and performance.

Obviously they have to be comfortable, but equally important is a good acoustic seal. Without a good seal, they won’t protect as they should and music perception will suffer also. But don’t worry, custom HFHP always comes with remake warranty in case the original fit isn’t correct.

So don’t miss out on your favorite bands, just do it smarter and safer! 

Shout out to our Warriors–2022 NBA Champs! So happy for them and all of Dub Nation!

Please continue to love your community by getting vaccinated/boosted & masking up where and when appropriate. And please always support our local businesses. 

Don’t let hearing damage dampen your love for live music! Discover the benefits of custom high fidelity hearing protection

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Jonathan Lipschutz Audiologist, M.S., F-AAA, Owner

Jonathan is the owner of Berkeley Hearing Center. He received his bachelor of science in hearing and speech science and a master of science in audiology from Purdue University. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Audiology and the California Academy of Audiology. Jonathan has over 20 years of audiology and hearing aid experience in both the non-profit and corporate sectors.

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