They say “knowing is half the battle.” If you don't know what the problem is, how can you address it? In medicine, this axiom is especially true, and our ears are a perfect example. Unsurprisingly, over the years lots of people have come to my office complaining of...
Berkeley Hills Expert Articles | The Joy of Custom Products For Your Ears Part II
Last month, I introduced you to CEPs (custom ear products). These are products that are custom made specifically for the unique size and shape of each individual user’s ears, like puzzle pieces. I hear far too many people report poor results from non-custom ear...
Berkeley Hills Expert Articles | The Joy of Custom Products For Your Ears Part I
As an audiologist, I’m sure it comes as no surprise that I’m a big proponent of protecting your ears. Heck, I wrote about it in last month’s piece! But that doesn’t mean avoiding loud sounds or giving up what you love to do in order to safely live, work and play. It...
Berkeley Hills Expert Articles | Audiology Awareness
At the end of last year, as the holidays were rolling around, we received a number of calls from family members wanting to give gifts of hearing protection-custom ‘Musician’s Earplugs’, ‘shooter’s plugs’, etc. I was overjoyed to receive those calls, but not for the...