We Reached Out To A Select Group Of Patients, Asking if they would Share Their Journeys WIth Hearing Loss To Inspire and Guide Other in Similar Siuations

Are You or a Loved One Concerned About Hearing Health? | Real Stories from Our Berkeley Hearing Center Patients

by | Nov 3, 2023 | Hearing Loss, Patient Resources

Every day, we connect with individuals from all across Berkeley and the East Bay Area who are anxious about their own hearing or the hearing of their loved ones. 

Many come to us laden with questions, concerns, and uncertainty about the future of their auditory health. 

A recurring theme we’ve noticed is that many feel isolated in their experiences. They don’t personally know others who have faced hearing loss or have used hearing aids. They’re seeking not just professional advice, but also personal, relatable experiences. 

If this resonates with you or someone you know, this article is tailored especially for you. 

We reached out to a select group of our patients, asking if they would share their journeys with hearing loss to inspire and guide others in similar situations. Their willingness to assist is a testament to their satisfaction and the transformative power of addressing hearing health. 

Please share this piece with anyone who might benefit from it. 

Larry’s Journey With Hearing 

When Larry began to miss out on conversations during work meetings, it impacted his professional confidence and personal happiness. 

He recalls, “The feeling of being left out in conversations both at work and at home was draining. It took a toll on my mental health.” 

Larry’s experience with Berkeley Hearing Center has been transformative.

Fran: A Musician’s Perspective 

As a musician, Fran began noticing difficulty with higher frequency notes in harmonic progressions.

A diagnosis of Meniere’s disease years earlier hadn’t prepared her for the onset of hearing loss in 2012. 

“I felt isolated from the world of music,” Fran shares. “But my first experience with Berkeley Hearing Center was personal and professional. The hearing aids were life-changing, and my ‘musical ear’ returned.” 

Her advice for others? “If you’re worried about your hearing, don’t delay. Addressing the issue can be a game-changer, especially in how you approach social situations.” 


Ryann Shares a Relatable Tale 

Ryann’s challenge with hearing began in her mid-20s. When she noticed a difference in hearing between her right and left ear, she knew she had to take action. 

“The staff at Berkeley Hearing Center is welcoming and considerate. They remember you, making every visit feel like returning to a friend rather than a cold, clinical experience,” Ryann remarks. “The biggest surprise for me? The sheer variety of hearing aids available. Whatever your concern or need, there’s a perfect fit for you.” 

Ryann’s heartfelt advice: “Don’t let age or pride keep you from getting the help you need. Berkeley Hearing Center is supportive every step of the way.” 


Wigbert Weighs In on Medical Care vs. Commercialization 

Wigbert first noticed his hearing decline when he had to always ensure he sat in the first row during conference presentations. 

He shares, “I had reservations initially, especially about the commercial nature of medical aid delivery. But my concerns were unfounded. The team at Berkeley Hearing Center is genuine, highly competent, and truly cares about their patients.” 

His straightforward advice? “Take the leap. Get the help you need. You won’t regret it.” 

These are but a few stories from the many individuals who took the bold step to address their hearing challenges. 

Common Concerns About Hearing Treatment 

Many people wait up to seven years from first realizing they have a hearing loss to seeking treatment. However, after getting the help they need, most wish they had acted sooner. 

Two main concerns often arise: 

1. The Stigma of Wearing Hearing Aids

Today’s technology has vastly improved hearing aids. They’re discreet, customizable, and efficient. If you’re worried about how they might look, come in and see for yourself. You might just be pleasantly surprised. 

2. The Investment

Quality hearing care is indeed an investment. However, various payment plans, financing options, and insurance contributions can make it more manageable. 

Hearing Journey

Your Next Steps 

If these stories resonate with you, consider taking a proactive step toward better hearing health. Schedule a hearing evaluation with us to explore your options. 

To book your appointment, click here or call us at 510-841-0681. Our dedicated team is here to assist you. 

Do you know somebody that needs to see this? Why not share it?

John Chakan

How did I get here? That’s an interesting story. I was born and raised in the suburbs of New York City. I dreamed of being a professional baseball player (Go Yankees!), but my promising career was cut short by a condition known as “not being good enough.” When I wasn’t playing baseball (or soccer or football or basketball) as a kid, I was spending my summers attending, and then working at, a summer camp in Northern California on a livestock ranch. While it might seem a bit incongruous for a suburban New Yorker to spend his summers milking cows, chopping wood, and canoeing down the Russian River, I fell in love with the interconnected community of summer camp, and I also fell in love with California.

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