Rather than having to travel to our hearing center, you can enjoy the same face-to-face conversations using video calling technology through your smartphone, tablet, or computer

Remote Hearing Care Services in Berkeley with ‘TeleAudiology’

by | Sep 14, 2021 | Hearing Loss, News, Patient Resources, Tele Audiology

Thanks to the millions of vaccinations that have successfully been rolled out, California’s economy is finally open again. There are no capacity limits or social distancing requirements.

However, COVID-19 has not gone away quite yet. In order to safely go about our daily business, we still offer our TeleAudiology services to prevent the spread.

What Is TeleAudiology?

Rather than having to travel to our hearing center in Berkeley, you can enjoy the same face-to-face conversations you would usually have with your audiologist using video calling technology through your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

This means that you no longer have to travel to your appointment, saving you time and keeping you safe.

Maybe you need a TeleAudiology appointment to discuss challenges you are having with your hearing or to be shown how to care for your hearing aids.

Even more amazing, if you’ve invested in some of the latest hearing aid devices, they feature built-in remote programming capabilities. So we’re often able to adjust your settings and features in real-time!

How TeleAudiology Works:


Tele Audiology infographic

How To Get Started With A TeleAudiology Appointment

If you’d like to enjoy the benefits of seeing your audiologist from the comfort of your home, office, or vacation, simply click here to complete a short form, or call us at 510-841-0681 to get started.

Do you know somebody that needs to see this? Why not share it?

Jonathan Lipschutz Audiologist, M.S., F-AAA, Owner

Jonathan is the owner of Berkeley Hearing Center. He received his bachelor of science in hearing and speech science and a master of science in audiology from Purdue University. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Audiology and the California Academy of Audiology. Jonathan has over 20 years of audiology and hearing aid experience in both the non-profit and corporate sectors.

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