Advanced Hearing Care Without Leaving the Couch

If you can’t make it to our office to visit us for your hearing health concerns, the power of technology allows us to meet face-to-face with our tele-audiology services.

As technology changes and improves, our team has been quick to ride the wave to ensure that you get the best of the best in hearing healthcare, no matter where you are.

If for some reason you can’t come to our office for your appointment or need help with a quick fix and don’t have time to drop by, our tele-audiology service allows you to receive the same compassionate and detailed care that you would in-house.

For busy professionals, parents, and those who cannot or prefer not to travel, hearing care is no longer out of reach.

Staff members on the phone to patients

How Do I Schedule a Tele-Audiology Appointment?

4 steps to tele audiology

Rather than having to travel to our hearing center in Berkeley, you can enjoy the same face-to-face conversations with your audiologist by using video conferencing technology via your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Regardless of whether you run a tight schedule, are unable to travel, unable to leave a dependent unattended, or out of town on business or a vacation, you can still receive the hearing care you’re used to from our professionals.

A tele-audiology appointment allows you to discuss challenges you are having with your hearing or to be shown how to care for your hearing aids, and if you’ve invested in some of the latest hearing aid devices, you can take advantage of remote programming capabilities.

So, we’re often able to adjust your settings and features in real time!

Schedule Your Complimentary Tele-Audiology Consultation

Your first 15-minute tele-audiology consultation comes free of charge to new patients. If you’re having challenges with your hearing, need your hearing aids reprogrammed, or have a quick question about your devices, a quick call to us could be all you need.

We can answer your questions and adjust your settings in real time without having to leave the comfort of your home.

Simply complete this form to register for a tele-audiology appointment, and a member of our team will get in touch to schedule a mutually beneficial appointment time.

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